Where Are We Now?
Well, I’ve started to feel a little restless for some reason I can’t quite identify. Am I picking it up from the world at large? Is it the news or the social media? I thought I was just starting to find my groove balancing between self-care, tending for business while appreciating my life in the mountains. There’s no doubt, as the weather warms up, we all want to go out and do all the fun activities we enjoy. I’m no exception. The world is getting antsy. That’s for sure.
After all it will be 10 weeks this Friday since Governor Newsom told us to stay home. As I keep saying, I am keenly aware how fortunate it was for me to have ended up moving out of our condo unit in Los Angeles. Even though the first several weeks were stressful, after all I am sheltering in a place that’s so ideal to have to stay in. I’ve settled in to the rhythm of this life up here. I’m grateful to have my husband I can share meals with every day, and a couple of great friends to hang out with safe distance on a regular basis.
Meanwhile, as I stay connected with the various communities mostly via Zoom conferencing, I am aware of a wide spectrum of different conditions and situations people are experiencing. Many of friends are actually enjoying the quarantine for the extra time to do the things they hadn’t been able to do. But many are struggling greatly because of the financial hardships, mental and emotional distress from the isolation, and everything in between. What can I do to ease the pain for some? What can I do to help someone in need without taking my oxygen mask off? It’s an ongoing question.
We keep hearing the word, “unprecedented” — and we just have to live each of these unprecedented days with a sense of awe. Honestly, I feel powerless over how our life will be in the coming months. Everybody is trying to figure out how it’s going to look like; how we are going to do whatever we think we will be doing. But really, nobody knows. I can only take one day at a time to take care of myself, my family, my friends to the best of my ability, trying to be of service wherever I can. And if I have one person attending my sitting group to sit with me, I feel like I did something.