Weathering the Storms
We’ve had quite a weather for the last week or so. While I’m grateful for the rain and snow that provides the much needed water for our thirsty earth, I’m also aware of the perils that this weather, not just around us, but all over the country and the world, brings.
After the Thanksgiving dinner at my step-daughter’s, we packed ourselves to get to our mountain house, but the freeway was closed because of snow. When we made it on the road, we saw some accidents along the way, which seemed to have involved some of those semi-trailers. There are drivers who are on the road even on holidays to bring us things from distance so that we can have what we want whether it’s food or gifts. I’m grateful for those we don’t see in our daily life but still have a huge role to provide comfort in our life.
Meanwhile, in mindfulness practice, it is often said that we become like a vast sky of the mind. There is blue sky with puffs of clouds passing by, and then there are storms that come through to obscure the clear sky behind.
Just like the weather, we have storms come through in our life. Sometimes a little rain storm, sometimes a huge and scary storm. The weather shifts sometimes hour by hour, or even minute by minute. Like the kind of day I had today, which is why I’m late writing this tonight. While the storm, which was actually a difficult situation in my business with clients, was passing through, I had to pay attention to how it was feeling in my body to the best of my ability and how my mind is interacting with the storm. Well, it looks like I am still feeling somewhat scared of this storm, but I know one thing for sure. This, too, shall pass.