Tumbled and Grateful
Last Saturday night I slipped on the wet floor in my kitchen (the reason the floor was wet is a whole other story), banged my head on the refrigerator and landed on my face. I swear I remember every moment, but my husband tells me I was momentarily unconscious and confused. I saw some blood on the floor from my lips, but I figured it wasn’t a big deal. I took some arnica and Advils, got some ice pack on my face and head, and went right to sleep. Sunday morning as I woke up, my hubby looked at me and discovered there was about an inch-and-a-half-long gash on my chin. He insisted that we go to the ER despite my resistance.
The closest hospital was in Valencia about an hour away. I really dreaded the idea of ER while the COVID is still going around. When we got there, the place was fairly quiet with only a few people waiting. The nurse who took my vitals told me it’s calmed down considerably and described how it was during the recent surge. To my relief, all the ER staff were kind and friendly. After having my brain and neck scanned and getting my cut stitched up, I came out relatively unscathed.
Honestly, I was irritated that my Sunday had to be spent in ER as I had some plans. And I was going right back to my life as usual the very next day. It wasn’t until friends who happened to be in communication with that day all told me to “take it easy” for a few days that I got the clue. It was such an obvious call to slow the heck down, yet I resisted it. I didn’t want my life to be interrupted as I have all the important things to get done! Obviously, I heeded again and have taken a pause since then.
The truth is I am really grateful that my injury was fairly minor as it could have been a lot worse. I’m grateful that my husband was there to help me as I have many friends who live alone. I’m grateful that I had fairly easy access to the medical treatment as I know there are so many people out there who don’t. Life can change completely in a split second for anyone any day. I am grateful to have my meditation practice, which helps me to see my compulsion to be productive and busy; which guides me to come back to my body; and which helps me to appreciate everything that is in “this moment.”