Time to Take A Breath
We are now in the second half of the year. Usually about this time, I get this feeling like “I just can’t keep up with how fast the time is passing by” because now that we’re officially in the summer with the July 4th celebration this week, next thing we know would be the Labor Day, then we’ll be talking about Holidays! Ugh!!!
While things seem to accelerate almost day by day (although I know it’s just my perception), I need to take a deep breath, slow down and reflect on the first half of this year. I guess some people would review their “plan” or the “goals” — whether it is for business or personal — and make some adjustment to what we have accomplished so far and what our realistic goals are for the second half of the year.
I, too, did write down a “business plan” and some goals for 2019 earlier in the year. I’m actually practicing self-compassion and loving kindness to myself to acknowledge what I have indeed accomplished so far.
As I have been writing about my real estate business on and off, I’ve put a lot of effort in establishing this “Green Real Estate.” It is taking more time, energy and effort than I anticipated, but I have been writing blogs and so far recorded 4 episodes of podcast on different aspects of green homes. I feel quite “green” in being a “green expert” with no pun intended, but I enjoy talking to people who can teach me and inspire me about the green homes and/or green building on the interviews. My mindfulness practice really comes in handy as I recognize my insecurity and perfectionism, yet, I somehow got the call from up there to do this. AND I’m letting go of the outcome. (Yes, I’ve been listening to a lot of great teachers like Abraham, Brene Brown, Michael Singer, and list goes on to keep this fire going.)
My Friday sitting group has been such a refuge for me. Often I get annoyed by the fact that I have to be there in the middle of the day while I have a dozen things I could be doing. Then I remember that’s exactly the point. I created a refuge from all the things I gotta do and sit for half hour with some people who come to do the same. So it goes…