Time to Pause
As the year draws closer to the end, it is time to pause and reflect, right? It’s been so hectic — well, it seems that’s a given and increasingly so at any time of the year. But I do feel like the last month or so was just so busy and stressful. I really had to make myself stop from running around by Christmas so I can finally pause and reflect.
Surprisingly, as I did stop and started my reflection, I realized how much I’ve done this past year, and thanks to my kick-ass coaches and mentors, my podcast, Home Green Homes, has 14 episode, I had a successful Green Home event, and I started the much anticipated Community Dharma Leadership Program at Spirit Rock, to name some biggies. I had to learn to believe in my own ability and strength. Now I must learn to celebrate myself for all the hard work I’ve put into not only my business but also for my own growth. This new career in real estate business is testing me with all my old beliefs and attitude. I’ve constantly questioned my initial judgment I make about situations and individuals. All of that becomes a part of me to help me grow. Thank God!
As I spend this last few days quietly in the mountains, what I’m grateful for the most is the community of friends and fellows who walked this path with me: You inspire me. You motivate me. You support me. YOU are the sustenance of my life. Thank you sincerely. Wishing you a lovely new year in 2020.