The Little House
Since I was a little girl, I loved books. I remember this one book called, The Little House. It’s about a little house that once sat in an open field, and over time the surrounding area was developed and the little house was squished among big buildings and elevated train tracks. It just told a story of impermanence, how everything changes. I witnessed the same thing happening in neighborhoods I’ve lived. The house I was born in was torn down after we moved and became a parking structure for the Catholic Church next door. The next house I grew up in was also torn down and became a high rise apartment building. And every time I go back to Japan to my hometown, there’s a new road and highways surrounding the neighborhood, which used to be a “sleepy little town.” I don’t even recognize it.
This is just how it goes everywhere, right? This is indeed happening here in my current neighborhood today. I’ve lived in West Los Angeles/Santa Monica for 30+ years now and witnessed the changes over the years. All those little houses are being torn down and built into a bigger and boxy apartment or condominiums. I understand there’s a “housing crisis” here in California, especially in Los Angeles, and more rental units are being built to provide housing. Yet the reality is that this city is getting to be so expensive to live. As I face the eviction and trying to decide where to live when we move out, I am dumbfounded to see what it takes to have a modest 2 bedroom place today on the Westside to rent or purchase.
I’m keeping up my attitude of curiosity to see what shows up for this new adventure of mine. Yet I can’t help but feel like the world around me is changing faster than I can keep up with. All I can do is keep breathing and take the next indicated action trusting that all is working out in a way that I can’t even imagine.