Gusty Winds
Was the wind blowing in your area today? It’s been windy for a couple of days at least. It quieted down now, but it was pretty gusty for some time. And the wind is blowing pretty hard in my life this week. On Monday morning, we realized our hot water heater died. This was something we were anticipating and just didn’t know when it was going to happen. Although we had started to research the new hot water heater, we weren’t quite ready.
As a green home advisor, I have been advising people that whenever there’s a chance to replace an old appliance or system to definitely replace it with the energy efficient models. In the case of water heaters, heat pump water heaters are the new technology that is 300% more efficient and doesn’t burn fossil fuel; hence, the way to go. Yet, very sadly and frustratingly, the reality is that they have not gained the popular demand quite yet, so not only are the units not as readily available as the conventional models but also harder to find the contractors who can confidently install them. Fortunately, we did find a local contractor who could install one but we’re having to wait for several days for the unit to be delivered: i.e., no hot shower in the house. 😅
Well, that’s what started our windy week. And this morning, I noticed one of my kitties, Benji, was having trouble “going to the bathroom,” a condition I knew needed immediate attention. So we looked for a veterinary hospital at 6am and drove Benji to the one that opened the earliest. He had to be sedated to get his urinary tract unclogged, which turned out to be an all day ordeal. As of now, I don’t know what his diagnosis is as we have to wait for the test result from his urine sample.
Needless to say, I feel quite overwhelmed dealing with these challenges. In the grand scheme of things, they’re just life happening. My life isn’t falling apart even if it does bring some fear up in my consciousness. Again, I have to remember this, too, shall pass one way or the other. Gotta keep going back to gratitude for all that I do have today.