Clear Sky
The smoke that was suffocating us cleared by late last week, and now we have the deep blue sky back. With an official arrival of the autumn, the air is crispier in the morning and almost chilly. With the onslaught of more big news and the headlines about the fires fade away, it’s easy to forget but the fires are still burning in California and threatening many communities. I thank many people who reached out to me to check in about our safety. So far, none of the fires is anywhere near us. Obviously, we must be still on alert as after all we do live in a forest, which is considered high fire zone. We are certainly taking the precaution to get the plan and check list in place in case we have to evacuate.
Back in 2006, a fire started around the Pyramid Lake along Interstate-5 on Labor Day, hence named Day Fire, and continued to burn for 6 weeks. Initially, the fire was moving west and it was far enough from our mountains and there was no threat. By the 5th week, the wind shifted and it started to move north towards our mountains threatening to burn the sacred land of the Chumash, and by the 6th weeks mandatory evacuation was ordered throughout our community. It was then that the firefighters met with the Chumash leaders. Ironically, the captain of the firefighting crew happened to be Capt. Custer, remote descendant of Gen. Custer. When they met, the firefighters asked for permission to bulldoze the sacred ground where the Chumash consider to be the center of the World. Upon their own counsel, the Chumash leaders gave a consent for firefighters to do what they had to do to protect our mountain community and offered a blessing of a small ritual (like a rain dance). Then all of the sudden, the clouds came and it started raining. Within the few days the fire was contained, and they never had to bulldoze our mountains.
I don’t mean to be naïve about the reality of the danger, yet I do believe there are things that we cannot explain in our life. The mountains we’re living on is known for its healing energy. As the Chumash believe, no matter what comes we will survive one way or the other. Meanwhile I’m praying that all the fires burning on the Westcoast would soon be contained, and clear sky will return to them.