Circle of Gratitude
Boy, it feels like time is flying so fast. Another spring is springing all around us both here in the mountains and in the cities. As I look out the windows to see my plum trees with new leaves, I can’t help but be aware that this is the THIRD spring since we got here. Wow.
There’s a place in the nearby woods called, “Circle of Gratitude,” where we’ve gathered many times to hold ceremonies to acknowledge the passage of time. It is a place to remind us of our connection to the nature and to know we’re a small part of this whole wide world. Today I am simply awe-struck by what we’ve all gone through in the last two years, and reminded of all the unexpected blessings.
Also, I have lost count of the years that I have been making a list of my gratitude and sharing almost every day with a small group of friends, which I call my “Circle of Gratitude.” When I can remember to think about what I’m grateful for at any moment, all the challenges I’m experiencing become something I can learn from.
It’s no brainer, an established idea that gratitude is an antidote to our sufferings. With this routine of listing things I’m grateful for, I definitely tend to catch more little things throughout the day that I think to myself, “Thank God!” even with a small little acknowledgement that I finally have an appointment for a hair cut next week!
It must be a human nature to be disgruntled as much as being grateful. It is a choice we make every moment because it is actually harder to choose gratitude than discontent. When you share the gratitude with others, though, the power multiplies and becomes the nourishment for our soul. For this, I’m grateful and encourage you to practice gratitude, and sharing is a bonus.